AEW Rampage Results 3/10/23

The go home show for Revolution is here, and we have a LIVE Rampage on tap:

Sammy Guevara vs. Action Andretti
Konosuke Takeshita vs. Preston Vance
Riho vs. Nyla Rose
Jack Cartwheel & Starboy Charlie vs. The Acclaimed

Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!

AEW Rampage 3/10/23

From the Golden 1 Center in Sacramento, California! Jim Ross, Excalibur, Chris Jericho, and Tony Schiavone are on commentary tonight and the guys are already in the ring!

Match #1. Sammy Guevara vs. Action Andretti

Andretti with some heavy chops early that send Guevara retreating to the outside. Both men battle on the outside as Andretti sends Guevara head-first into the steel steps. Clothesline by Andretti from the apron, who catapults Guevera to the outside and follows up with a clothesline. Springboard to the outside by Andretti, who gets caught by an anti-air knee from Guevara! Guevara in control now throughout the PIP, before posing for the camera. Andretti responds with a back breaker into a neck breaker before missing a baseball slide. Andretti comes off the top with an Arabian Press! Andretti rolls Guevara in the ring and comes off the top with the 450! Two count. Guevara charges and Andretti catches him with the fall way moonsault. Running shooting star by Andretti catches the knees. Pump handle over the top DDT by Guevara but Andretti rolls to the outside! Andretti gets the upper hand and sets Guevara up on the table. Andretti comes off the top with a HUGE dive through a table. Andretti rolls Guevara into the ring and goes up top, but Garcia throws Andretti off the top and across the top rope, as Guevara distracts the referee. GTH finishes this one!

Winner: Sammy Guevara

Rating: ***. Hot opener here as Andretti is getting reps with some really good opponents. Guevara does what he does here, ahead of the trios title match this Wednesday.

Darby Allin is coming back to go out in a blaze of glory.

Jungle Boy is looking for a title… but he’s not sure which.

Match #2. The Acclaimed vs. Starboy Charlie & Jack Cartwheel

Bowens and Jack to start. Bowens in control and it’s already Scissor Me, Timbers time. Charlie gets the tag but eats a superkick instead. The Arrival & Mic Drop finish this one quickly.

Winners: The Acclaimed

Rating: NR

Matt Menard and Angelo Parker are on the apron with a JAS t-shirt, extending the offer to The Acclaimed.

Match #3. Konosuke Takeshita vs. Preston Vance w/ Jose the Assistant

Don Callis joins the commentary team, replacing Tony Schiavone for the Takeshita match. Test of strength to start, with Vance laying in some heavy chops. Takeshita comes off the ropes with a flying clothesline and a rolling elbow. Planca to the outside! Yakuza kick in the corner followed by a neckbreaker for two. Takeshita hits the ropes but Jose trips him up, allowing Vance to send Takeshita into the front row. Back suplex on the apron by Vance and he’s in control. Snap suplex by Vance and a pair of running clotheslines before we head into commercial. Back from break with a boot by Takeshita and a deadlift German suplex! Double rolling elbows and both men are down. Vance charges but Takeshita gets the boot up and comes off the top with a knee to the face. Blue Thunder Bomb by Takeshita! Two count. Running knee by Takeshita to a seated Vance but Jose puts Vance’s food on the rope. Takeshita blasts Jose on the outside but rolls back in the ring and gets caught with a discus lariat for another two count. Full Nelson by Vance but Takeshita rolls him up for two. Drop step arm drag into a back slide for the win!

Winner: Konosuke Takeshita

Rating: **3/4. Really entertaining match while it lasted. Takeshita is an absolute star already and Vance is looking better and better.

Mark Briscoe is here! Mark says it’s time to move forward with the Ring of Honor World Tag Team Championship. March 31st is Supercard of Honor, so let’s find some great tag teams, let’s get a ladder, and let’s hang the belts from a ladder. Let’s call it the Reach for the Sky ladder match. Mark introduces the first entrants into the RFTS match, and that is…

The Lucha Brothers!

Match #4. Riho vs. Nyla Rose w/ Marina Shafir

Nyla uses her strength early, as Riho tries to use her speed before getting caught with a shoulder block. Riho evades a senton and tries to slam Nyla… to no avail. Body slam by Nyla and splash. Riho bridges out and dropkicks Nyla in the face. Riho comes off the top with a cross body block, but Nyla catches her. Riho gets out and shoves Nyla into the steel steps. Back in the ring, Nyla reverses a suplex with a standing suplex of her own. Riho gets sent outside by Nyla, only to be hip tossed by Marina Shafir behind the referees back. Spinebuster by Nyla back in the ring. Two count. Vertical suplex by Nyla. Two count. Riho catches a charging Nyla with a head scissors, but Nyla hits a body block that puts a stop to that. Nyla sets Riho up on the top rope, but Riho fights Nyla off and hits a diving head scissors. Riho goes back up… diving foot stomp! One, two, no! Nyla counters another head scissors with a huge powerslam. Nyla drapes Riho on the top rope and comes off the top with a diving guillotine knee drop! One, two, no! Riho out at two! Nyla misses a senton! Northern Light’s Suplex by Riho with a bridge gets a two count! Crucifix Bomb by Riho gets another two! Riho charges Nyla but gets caught with a knee. Beast Bomb attempt by Nyla but Riho rolls her up with a leg lace and gets the three!

Winner: Riho

Rating: ***. Fun main event here, as these two had a heck of a match a year ago and both brought it tonight. Riho organically connects with the fans no matter who she’s wrestling, so Nyla played the perfect foil. Good to see Riho get a nice win.

After the match, Shafir and Rose beat down Riho and plant her with the Beast Bomb. Toni Storm’s music hits and the Freelancers (are we using that?) are here. Toni Storm spray paints Riho as Ruby and Saraya hold her.

Final Thoughts: Perfectly acceptable episode of Rampage. Three solid matches and one showcase, which is just fine for a sixty-minute show. Takeshita’s meteoric rise continues, Riho got a big win, and that darn Sammy Guevara cheated to win AGAIN. Good stuff tonight. 7/10.

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