REVIEW: WWF WrestleFest 91: Contains A Hidden Gem

Welcome to KB’s Old School (and New School) Reviews. I’ve been reviewing wrestling shows for over twelve years now and have reviewed over 6,000 shows. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, I’ll be posting a new review here on It could be anything from modern WWE to old school to indies to anything in between. Note that I rate using letters instead of stars and I don’t rate matches under three minutes as really, how good or bad can something that short be?

WrestleFest 1991
Host: Randy Savage
Commentators: Lord Alfred Hayes, Sean Mooney

Sometimes you need to get away from weekly TV and do some good(ish) old fashioned Coliseum Video. That’s what we have here, with another compilation tape released in July 1991. You never know what you might get on here but that can make for some interesting watches. Let’s get to it.

Randy Savage: Man Of Leisure (as the graphic says) is sitting by the pool as the audio from his career ending loss at Wrestlemania VII plays in his head. He was NOT asleep….or maybe he was, but just for a few seconds. Yes he lost, but he had a great career and wrestled some of the best of all time. The only one he didn’t get to face was the best of all time: himself (that’s such a Savage thing). Savage introduces our first match.

Jimmy Hart says Earthquake is ready to crush Ultimate Warrior in the Fan Favorite match.

From Fort Myers, Florida, February 19, 1991.

Ultimate Warrior vs. Earthquake

Earthquake slugs away from behind but can’t put Warrior down. Instead Warrior is back with some shoulders, including a flying one to send Earthquake outside. A Hart distraction lets Earthquake get in a cheap shot though and it’s a drive into the corner back inside. The slow beating, including that weird jumping stomp that Earthquake had, sets up the bearhug (you knew that was coming).

Warrior’s leg starts twitching so Earthquake picks him up (points for not going with the obvious escape route) to keep the hold on. The big elbow and the Earthquake connect for two as Warrior is ready to get going. Three straight clotheslines set up a slam and the Warrior Splash is good for the pin at 5:37.

Rating: C. This felt very much like a dark match at the end of a taping to get one of the biggest stars out there against a big monster. Warrior shrugged off everything Earthquake had and then won in just over five minutes. It was short, to the point, and did what it needed to do without looking bad. Nice choice for an opener, even if they had a very basic match.

Savage tells us where to write in to request a match. This will in no way be used to get on the WWF’s mailing list. With that out of the way, to the Manager Cam, which means Jimmy Hart is going to be mic’d with a camera on him during a match.

From Green Bay, Wisconsin, May 7, 1991.

Big Boss Man vs. The Mountie

No commentary for this one. Hart (expect to hear that name a lot here) demands that the referee take the nightstick from the Boss Man, who punches Mountie down to start. Mountie’s leapfrog is countered into a spinebuster and Boss Man steals Hart’s jacket (Hart: “MOUNTIE! MOUNTIE!”), which he threatens to send into the crowd. Hart gets the jacket back and Mountie goes outside for a breather, only to get punched down again. Boss Man chokes on the ropes for a bit (Hart: “GET OFF THE ROPE!”) and hits the running crotch attack to the back of the neck (Hart: “Referee, quit picking your nose and do something man!”).

A missed charge finally gives Mountie a breather, sending Hart into a rant about how Mountie has to get up and do something. Hart tells him everything to do to the leg, including wrapping it around the post. Boss Man tries to swing but falls down, prompting Hart to laugh at “the big hick”. Mountie grabs the mic to hit his catchphrase but Boss Man punches his way up and hits a one legged Boss Man Slam for the pin at 6:31.

Rating: C+. This was fun! The match itself was mostly a Boss Man squash with Mountie getting in a bit of work on the leg. Instead, we got a unique way to look at a match, with Hart playing it completely straight and making it a lot more interesting. I can go with something different like this, as the WWF so rarely went in a unique direction. Good stuff and very out of the box.

Post match Hart gets in the ring and tells Mountie that he’ll sucker Boss Man over so Mountie can zap him with the shock stick. And that’s exactly what they do!

From Omaha, Nebraska, April 15, 1991.

Power And Glory vs. Rockers

Slick is here with Power And Glory. We hit the stall button to start until Shawn and Roma lock up over a minute and a half in. Roma has to bail to the ropes early on before hitting Shawn in the face to take over. Michaels is right back with the hurricanrana into the right hands, followed by the double superkick to send Roma outside.

Back in and Roma dropkicks Marty down, only to get his head taken off with a clothesline. A Hercules cheap shot lets the double teaming ensue though and Marty is caught in the wrong corner again. Hercules actually stays in for a bit,, with his own clothesline getting his own two. Roma’s big running elbow (he always did that well) sets up the chinlock to keep Marty down.

That’s broken up but Roma clotheslines him again (a popular move here) and hits a top rope elbow to the head. Marty finally avoids a charge in the corner though and the diving tag brings Shawn in to clean house. The jumping back elbow hits Roma in the face and a swinging neckbreaker gets two. Everything breaks down and Hercules is clotheslined (geez) out to the floor, leaving Roma to get double hiptossed. Hold on though as Slick offers a distraction, which is enough to get the Rockers counted out at 12:06.

Rating: C. Not bad here as the Rockers were really starting to gel a few months before they split. Power And Glory are a good enough team, though you could see Hercules losing more and more steam as he just couldn’t move very well. The countout was fairly lame though, as you really can’t have Power And Glory get rolled up for a quick pin here?

Post match the fight continues with the Rockers cleaning house and stealing Slick’s hat. To be fair, it’s a pretty sweet hat.

We go to Randy Savage’s Tranquility Base (that’s Tranquility Base USA, because Savage might be nuts, but he’s an American nut) and it’s time to play some pool.

Ted DiBiase is ready to beat up the Texas Tornado, who is a great example of a Cadillac body and a Volkswagen brain.

From Orlando, Florida, February 18, 1991.

Ted DiBiase vs. Texas Tornado

Commentary points out the lack of DiBiase’s manager Sherri (which is code for “this was taped before Wrestlemania when Sherri and DiBiase got together). Before the match, Tornado brings out Virgil, who had broken up with DiBiase about a month ago. DiBiase yells at Virgil as Hayes talks about the rigorous process required to become a manager. That could be some fascinating paperwork.

Tornado goes outside to jump DiBiase and the bell rings for the second time. They head inside with Tornado sending him face first into the buckle over and over, setting up a rollup for two. Virgil has to send DiBiase back inside (Mooney: “He’s just giving his former employer a hand!”), only to have them go right back to the floor.

The Tornado Punch hits DiBiase but another only hits post, allowing DiBiase to send the hand into the steps. Back in and DiBiase elbows him in the face, setting up the always awesome falling punch. DiBiase knocks him outside again and tries a suplex to bring Tornado back inside. Virgil is right there with a trip to DiBiase though and Tornado gets the pin at 4:17.

Rating: D+. And somehow, Tornado would stick around for about another year. I’m not sure how many drugs he did to fall apart as badly as he did but a whole lot seems to be pretty low. This was a slow, boring match with the hand stuff not leading anywhere and Tornado sleepwalking through it, as usual.

From Fort Myers, Florida, February 19, 1991.

Haku vs. British Bulldog

Hayes talks about both of them having a rugby background and Mooney seems to have played as well. Haku grinds away on a headlock to start but a dropkick sends him outside. Back in and Bulldog grabs a sleeper, which is countered with an armdrag of all things. That’s broken up and Bulldog grabs an armbar, only to be reversed into an atomic drop. The piledriver gives Haku two and we hit the sleeper. Bulldog fights up for a double shoulder and Haku is able to grab a chinlock. With that broken up, Bulldog avoids a dropkick and gets two off a clothesline. Back up and Bulldog grabs a crucifix for the pin at 7:41.

Rating: C+. This was a nice power match and they worked well together. Matches like this are the reason I like seeing these tapes as you never know when you are going to find a good match that isn’t going to take place in a major feud. Smith was on his way up and Haku can make anyone look good so this was a fun mix that I was getting into by the end.

Randy Savage plays pool. While he plays, it’s time for a trip to the Barber Shop.

We go to the Barber Shop with Brutus Beefcake for some grooming tips. This includes putting mud (from the Dead Sea, as written on the container in marker) on someone’s face and then cracking an egg on top of said face. Then Beefcake blows it off with a leaf blower. This takes quite awhile but it’s the kind of character stuff that is at least a bit different. Can you imagine seeing something like this not being a total disaster today?

From Biloxi, Mississippi, March 12, 1991.

Greg Valentine vs. Rick Martel

This was part of Valentine’s face run and….well what are you expecting from a Valentine face run? They fight over a top wristlock to start with Valentine getting the better of things and knocking Martel outside. Some and actually start a HAMMER chant as Martel stalls on the floor even more. Back in and Valentine grabs a headlock before going after the leg.

The Figure Four is blocked so Valentine drops an elbow on the leg and cranks away again. Martel fights back and sends him outside, followed by a middle rope ax handle back inside. The abdominal stretch goes on for a bit before Valentine blocks a ram into the buckle. The comeback is on and Valentine clotheslines him outside. Valentine follows him to the floor for the brawl and it’s a double countout at 8:12.

Rating: C-. Martel was his usual serviceable self here but Valentine as a good guy still really doesn’t work. I’m not sure what the appeal there was supposed to be, other than maybe just seeing if they could get anything else out of him. All this showed me was that Valentine wasn’t going to be interesting no matter what he did around this time and there was no way around it.

Post match Valentine beats him down again, setting up the Figure Four. What a hero.

From Fort Myers, Florida, February 19, 1991.

Warlord vs. Koko B. Ware

Slick his here with Warlord, who powers Ware into the corner to start. There’s a choke toss to send Ware flying again but he comes back with some right hands. Ware heads outside to annoy Warlord, but Slick suggests that he is a chicken. Well they never said what kind of BIRD man Ware was so there may be something to that.

Back in and Ware goes to the eyes and hammers away, only to be sent sailing over the top. A sunset flip doesn’t work on Warlord and we hit the bearhug. Warlord finally lets it go for some reason (he never was known for his brains) and misses an elbow. Ware avoids a charge in the corner and rolls him up for two, followed by the missile dropkick (with Ware landing on his feet as only he could) for the same. That’s enough for Warlord, who powerslams him for the pin at 6:38.

Rating: C. This was the kind of match that fit a formula perfectly well as the power guy had trouble with the smaller opponent before finally catching him. It’s not a classic, but this was about as basic of a match formula as you could ask for and it worked well enough. If nothing else, Ware’s missile dropkick is always worth a look.

Despite being retired, Randy Savage watches his match against Ultimate Warrior to look for mistakes.

From Biloxi, Mississippi, March 12, 1991.

Hart Foundation vs. Legion Of Doom

Well ok, as this appears to be their only (recorded) match against each other. This is also non-title, as the Harts, who were champions when this was filmed but not when it was released, don’t even have the belts with them. Animal and Neidhart lock up to start and the power shove doesn’t get anywhere. Shoulders don’t do anything but a double clothesline puts both of them down.

Back up and Animal’s flying shoulder drops Neidhart and it’s Hawk coming in to work on the arm. Hart comes in as well but gets sent outside in a hurry as Hawk isn’t having any of this. Back in and Bret takes Hawk into the corner so Neidhart can come in to slow him down. It’s right back to Bret for two off the backbreaker, followed by the middle rope elbow for two more.

Hawk gets over to the corner for the unseen tag, leaving Neidhart to hit the slingshot shoulder for two. The chinlock goes on, with Mooney somehow trying to say this has been “even”, despite Hawk getting beaten down for the last five minutes. The Hart Attack connects with Animal having to make the save. Neidhart tries to whip Bret into Hawk in the corner but only hits buckle, allowing the hot tag off to Animal to clean house.

Everything breaks down and Hawk gets sent into the corner for a hard clothesline to Hart. The Doomsday Device is broken up though and Bret hits the backbreaker on Animal. Another slingshot shoulder looks to set up something like a Rocket Launcher but Animal powerslams Bret out of the air for the pin at 12:32.

Rating: B. This was a rare moment that lived up to the hype and I wouldn’t have bet on that coming in. You don’t see this kind of thing working most of the time but they pulled it off here, with the Harts dictating the pace and the LOD being there with the raw power. Normally this would be little more than a historical footnote but they had a very good match at the same time.

Respect is shown post match.

From New York City, New York, March 15, 1991.

Marty Jannetty vs. Tanaka

This is your main event because….I have no idea, though it’s nice to go to the Garden instead of random TV tapings. Mr. Fuji is here with Tanaka but neither partner is here. Tanaka strikes away to take over and kicks Jannetty around the ring. Jannetty comes back and knocks him to the floor before doing it again for a bonus. This time Jannetty dives out onto Tanaka for a crash as things slow back down.

Back in and Fuji offers a distraction, allowing Tanaka to get a turnbuckle pad off. Jannetty is fine enough to superkick Tanaka into the corner but a missed charge sends Jannetty falling outside. After the referee scares Fuji away from using that pesky cane, Tanaka drops a rather low looking headbutt. A rollup gives Jannetty a breather but a jumping forearm cuts that off rather quickly. There’s a chop to send Jannetty outside and Fuji smiles rather deviously. Back in and Tanaka tries a Tombstone but Jannetty reverses into the Owen Hart version to drop Tanaka on his head for the pin at 10:53.

Rating: C+. Two talented wrestlers were able to make this work but there is only so much that you can get out of a pair of tag wrestlers having a match without their partners around. The fact that Mooney announced the winner as “Shawn Michaels’ partner Marty Jannetty” kind of sums up the issue here, but they did have a perfectly watchable match. Granted the ending might make you cringe but Tanaka was ok so it’s acceptable enough.

Randy Savage gets a phone call from Elizabeth and that means it’s time to wrap up the tape.

Overall Rating: C+. This was on the more decent side of Coliseum videos, as you had mostly pretty good to solid matches and the only two which weren’t so strong were shorter. Throw in the unique Manager Cam deal and a near hidden gem with the Harts vs. LOD and this worked well. It’s nothing you need to see but if you’re in the mood for some lighter fare, you would be just fine with this one.

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